Database Lost - Forum Updated

If we make changes, if the boards will be down, or if we just want to let everyone know about something, we'll be posting it here.
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Diablo0 Owner/Admin
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Database Lost - Forum Updated

Post by Diablo0 » Tue Dec 26, 2017 7:55 pm

As many of you can see, the forum has been updated/changed to the newest version of phpBB.

There's one problem though and that is the database that contains all the post data of the forum was lost and there wasn't a recent backup since 2015. This was totally my fault but hopefully we can keep going where we left off. A lot of users have left for Facebook groups so I don't feel there was a TON of data lost but there was a huge loss, none-the-less.

It's sad to see so much gone, but the forum will live on. There is a slew of information on here. Part Numbers. How-Tos. Questions. So much that is irreplaceable. So if anything, I didn't lose everything and plan to keep the forum going, even if most have migrated to Facebook.

One day I hope to see the traffic return from Facebook and go back to the roots of the forum and club.
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